ChurchSuite     ChurchSuite 


Church members have access to MyChurchSuite which allows you to update and control your personal details, sign up for events and view any rotas you are on. 
Access to My ChurchSuite is by an invitation initiated from the church office.

It is possible to access ChurchSuite from either:

A web browser on a computer/tablet/smart phone


  1. To log into ChurchSuite via a web browser all you need to do is:

  2. Go to

  3. Enter in our church name ‘christpurley’

  4. Select ‘Christ Church Purley’ it when it pops up

  5. Then click on ‘Next’

  6. Enter in your user name, which is your email address

  7. Then the password you created

  8. And finally click on ‘Log in’

Or via the ChurchSuite App on a Smart phone/tablet

The ChurchSuite app is available to download for free you can get the:

IOS app from ITunes
Android app from Google Play

Once you have downloaded the app to your phone or tablet, all you need to do to login is to enter:

Your username – This is the email address you registered with
Your password – This is the password you created

Forgotten your password?
Just click on Forgotten Password?

Any problems

or call or text 07395 133640 

Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit


 I'm New rev

I would like to worship with Christ Church – Online in church

I would like my children to join in –  Children / Youth

I would like to hire a room 

I would like to join a House Group 

I would like to find out about the Christian faith 

I would like to get baptised 

I would like to get married 

I would like to arrange a funeral

I would like to talk to someone/I need help 


I'm new to Christ Church We’d  

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